Big video report from IDEB 2024

 20. 05. 2024      category: Events
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At the recent IDEB 2024 international defence and security technology fair in Bratislava, the most modern defence and security technology and equipment represented by a number of Czech and foreign companies was presented. Of course, there was also the traditional presentation of the Slovak army, its equipment and military technology. Of course, our editorial team took part in the IDEB fair this year as well, so below we bring you a great video report from this event. 

Video: Big video report from IDEB 2024 / CZ DEFENCE

CSG, Colt CZ Group, AERO Vodochody, AGADOS, EVPÚ, Isolit-Bravo, Quittner & Schimek, Ray Service and others presented their products among the representatives of the Czech defence industry. For example, Tatra Force 8x8 vehicles in the version of a roller, Ampliroll AL 16500 DM hook loader on a Tatra 8x8 chassis, or Patriot II 4x4 in the version offered to the Slovak armed forces were on display.

Foto: Hákový nakladač Ampliroll AL 16500 DM na podvozku Tatra 8x8 | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE
Picture: Hook loader Ampliroll AL 16500 DM on Tatra 8x8 chassis | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE
Foto: Výstavní stánek společnosti Colt CZ Group / CZUB | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE
Picture: Presentation stand of Colt CZ Group / CZUB | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE
Foto: Obrněné vozidlo Zetor Gerlach 4x4 | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE
Picture: Armoured vehicle Zetor Gerlach 4x4 | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE

The novelty on display was the mobile tanker NAVA 2000 from AGADOS designed for transporting 2000 litres of drinking water. It should soon, together with another novelty in the form of an isothermal box trailer with a NANUK 2K refrigeration unit, be in service in the Czech Armed Forces.

Foto: Izotermický skříňový přívěs s chladicím agregátem NANUK 2K | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE
Picture: Isothermal box trailer with NANUK 2K refrigeration unit | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE

Also interesting was the presentation of UGV electric ground drones from Isolit-Bravo. Unmanned/unmanned vehicles are already widely used on the Ukrainian battlefield and will be a key element in logistics, reconnaissance and support of combat operations in the future.

A representative of Development Martin (part of the MSM Group) then gave us a closer look at the command post housed in a specialised container and the mobile control tower for the Disk 2 field airfield.

Foto: Velitelské stanoviště umístěné ve specializovaném kontejneru a mobilní řídící věž pro polní letiště Disk 2 | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE
Picture: Command post located in a specialized container and mobile control tower for field airfield Disk 2 | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE

The MSM Group Holding also exhibited ammunition for 30 mm calibre cannons, 105 mm and 120 mm tank ammunition meeting NATO standards or 125 mm calibre ammunition suitable for the so-called Eastern Standard equipment. Also on display were artillery ammunition of 105 mm and 155 mm NATO calibre and 122 mm calibre for older non-NATO artillery systems. The portfolio also included novelties in the form of 155 mm NATO smoke and illumination artillery shells.

Foto: Dělostřelecká munice včetně zadýmovacích a osvětlovacích dělostřeleckých granátů v ráži 155 mm NATO | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE
Picture: Artillery ammunition including smoke and illumination artillery shells in 155 mm NATO calibre | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE

At the EVPÚ stand, visitors could see, among other things, the innovative remote-controlled Turra 30 turret with modern elements of anti-drone and anti-tank protection.

Foto: Inovovaná dálkově ovládaná věž Turra 30 s moderními prvky protidronové i protitankové ochrany | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE
Picture: Innovated remote-controlled Turra 30 turret with modern elements of anti-drone and anti-tank protection | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE

From the Slovak portfolio of military equipment, the BIA 6×6 self-propelled gun howitzer, which combines the advantages of the Zuzana 2 and EVA howitzers into a compact artillery system, was on display again this year.

The world premiere was the Slovak project of the 120mm self-propelled mortar AM120 from ZTS Speciál on the Tatra 815-7 6x6 chassis with an armoured Puma L2 Long cab. The crew consists of 2-4 persons, the range of elevation is from 40° to 80°, the minimum range is 504 meters, and the maximum range is 8200 meters. According to the manufacturer, the system can fire up to 20 rounds per minute.

Foto: Samohybná kanónová houfnice BIA 6×6 (vlevo) a 120mm samohybný minomet AM120 | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE
Picture: Self-propelled gun howitzer BIA 6×6 (left) and 120mm self-propelled mortar AM120 | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE

Among the foreign exhibitors was the company KNDS, which exhibited the Leopard 2A8 tank. These new tanks should be acquired by the Czech Army as part of the modernisation of the tank army (73rd Tank Battalion).

Foto: Německý tank Leopard 2A8 | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE
Picture: Leopard 2A8 tank | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE

BAE Systems, like last year, has brought the CV90120 vehicle to this year's show, which is expected to act as a light tank with a 120mm gun on the proven CV90 chassis.

Foto: Vozidlo CV90/120 | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE
Picture: CV90120 light tank | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE

As part of the Czech Army, the 31st Regiment of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection presented a selected part of its equipment at the IDEB fair this year. For example, the light reconnaissance vehicle LOV-CBRN, designed to carry out radiation, chemical and biological reconnaissance, was on display. The vehicle includes a robotic subsystem equipped with RCH sensors that transmits information to the on-board information system. The data is transmitted to the command and control elements of the Czech Army via a tactical communication system. An independent monitoring module, a meteorological station, an electric generator and other special equipment are stored in the vehicle trailer.

Foto: Průzkumné vozidlo LOV-CBRN | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE
Picture: Reconnaissance vehicle LOV-CBRN | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE

Part of the presentation of the Czech Armed Forces was also the Modular Battle Kit (MBK), which is used to support C4ISTAR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance) to connect combat units and combat support units with the places of command (battalions, brigades and ISR units) within the brigade task group to maintain situational awareness of the battlefield, share data, information (including intelligence) to directly support commanders in their decision making and to support the fire support management system. The MBK is an integrated functional unit of several subsets (communications and imaging, surveillance and targeting, power management, and battery) used by C4ISTAR specialists in platoon/company level combat units.

Foto: Modulární bojový komplet (MBK) | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE
Picture: Modular Battle Kit (MBK) | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE

The Special Forces of the Army of the Czech Republic were presented at the fair with a Bombardier Outlander quad bike. These vehicles provide them with increased mobility around the world. Several punctures and abrasions eloquently demonstrated what the exhibited ATV has been through during combat missions. Representatives of the Slovak Special Forces also exhibited their Polaris ATV.

Foto: Terénní čtyřkolka Polaris slovenských speciálních sil | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE
Picture: Off-road quad bike Polaris of Slovak special forces | Michal Pivoňka / CZ DEFENCE

This year's IDEB fair was also attended by representatives of the Slovak and Czech defence ministries. "I am glad that Czech companies are participating in this fair, because Czech-Slovak cooperation in the field of defence is important. IDEB is an opportunity not only to present ourselves, but also to establish new business and partnership relations."

 Author: Michal Pivoňka

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