
Importance of light Multiple Rocket Launchers

Importance of light Multiple Rocket Launchers

Multiple Rocket Launchers represent one of the most interesting, and at the same time the most promising categories of combat equipment. They have been or are being deployed…

 01. 04. 2021
The artillerymen will soon replace their colleagues in Mali

The artillerymen will soon replace their colleagues in Mali

In the Březina military district on the outskirts of Vyškov, the preparation of a new task force, preparing for deployment in Mali, is culminating these days…

 31. 03. 2021
Zuzana 2 for the Slovak Army Maybe in Less Than a Month

Zuzana 2 for the Slovak Army Maybe in Less Than a Month

During the period from March 8 to 19, the first stage of military tests of Zuzana 2 self-propelled wheeled howitzers took place. It was to verify the tactical and…

 29. 03. 2021
Instructor of the Armed Forces: Why it is necessary to practice close combat as part of Czech Army training

Instructor of the Armed Forces: Why it is necessary to practice close combat as part of Czech Army training

As a Protect Israeli Security Solutions international instructor he has the opportunity to train with the best in the world. That is why he was invited to join the…

 26. 03. 2021
Jana Černochová: Politicians must not treat the Army as a stepmother treats a stepchild

Jana Černochová: Politicians must not treat the Army as a stepmother treats a stepchild

There have been more questions than answers since the last meeting of the Defense Committee. And it is not just about the evergreen of the last 4 months, ie returning…

 25. 03. 2021
The strategy against hybrid threats exists already, now it’s the government's turn

The strategy against hybrid threats exists already, now it’s the government's turn

In mid-March, the Standing Committee on Hybrid Threats of the Chamber of Deputies met in its closed session. According to the approved program, its task was to address…

 24. 03. 2021
Slovakia has launched processes regarding the acquisition of new IFVs. The Czech Army is still in uncertainty

Slovakia has launched processes regarding the acquisition of new IFVs. The Czech Army is still in uncertainty

The acquisition of new tracked Infantry Fighting Vehicles for the Army of the Czech Republic is constantly delayed, and thanks to recent events, there are also doubts as to…

 22. 03. 2021
It Takes a Year to Prepare a Unit for Mali, Czech Troops are Successful in Africa

It Takes a Year to Prepare a Unit for Mali, Czech Troops are Successful in Africa

Last week, there was the first comprehensive field training held in Libavá for soldiers from Hranice, who will head to Mali in November. Due to the coronavirus, it focused…

 20. 03. 2021
Situational awareness system gives LYNX crew freedom to fight

Situational awareness system gives LYNX crew freedom to fight

Rheinmetall’s LYNX KF41 Infantry Fighting Vehicle is drawing attention around the world for its modularity, survivability and lethality. A key part of its innovative capability set…

 17. 03. 2021
Loitering Munition in ACR

Loitering Munition in ACR

In the autumn of last year, the world was shocked by the shots that sent chills down everyone’s back. Footage from a drone showed another drone flying towards a target and then…

 16. 03. 2021
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