
Soldiers tried out vehicle removal and recovery, they are self-sufficient with their own equipment

Soldiers tried out vehicle removal and recovery, they are self-sufficient with their own equipment

The training of the 3rd Company of the Czech Army in the Multinational Battle Group (MN BG SVK) in Slovakia has been in full swing since taking over the operational…

 05. 08. 2023
CSG is implementing investments in Czechia and Slovakia worth more than 2 billion

CSG is implementing investments in Czechia and Slovakia worth more than 2 billion

Up to 300 new jobs will be created in the new halls, which will be built in the manufacturing companies of our industrial-technology holding company Czechoslovak Group…

 03. 08. 2023
Excalibur International will present a medium-range missile system at IDEF 2023

Excalibur International will present a medium-range missile system at IDEF 2023

IDEF 2023, which takes place in Istanbul, Türkey from July 25 to 28, is one of the largest events of its kind in the Middle East. The company Excalibur International…

 25. 07. 2023
EVPÚ and EVPÚ Defence succeeded at the prestigious international trade fair IDET 2023

EVPÚ and EVPÚ Defence succeeded at the prestigious international trade fair IDET 2023

EVPÚ a. s. and EVPÚ Defence have had a successful presentation at one of the most prestigious European defence technology fairs – IDET in Brno. This is evidenced…

 23. 07. 2023
The first training of driver-instructors for the new TITUS 6x6 vehicle took place in Vyškov

The first training of driver-instructors for the new TITUS 6x6 vehicle took place in Vyškov

Recently we had the opportunity to attend the first training course for driving instructors on the new TITUS 6x6 vehicle, which took place in the premises of the Training…

 21. 07. 2023
Czech Mudness or unconventional farewell of Czech chemists from the 1st Task Force of the Czech Army

Czech Mudness or unconventional farewell of Czech chemists from the 1st Task Force of the Czech Army

Czech chemists from the 1st Task Force of the Czech Armed Forces bid farewell to their six-month deployment in Lithuania and their colleagues from foreign armies in a truly…

 08. 07. 2023
Slovakia starts the process of building modern air defence

Slovakia starts the process of building modern air defence

Air defence is one of the key topics intensively discussed in professional military circles today. In some countries, including Slovakia, this part of defence capabilities…

 04. 07. 2023
Gen. Karel Řehka: The Bahna event helps us build a relationship with the public

Gen. Karel Řehka: The Bahna event helps us build a relationship with the public

This year's 33rd annual Bahna (Mud) Day in Strašice, Rokycany, was attended by over 50,000 visitors. The main attractions were the Leopard 2A4 tank and the STARKOM mobile jammer, which are…

 30. 06. 2023
Leopard 2A8 as an interesting option for the completion of the Slovak heavy brigade

Leopard 2A8 as an interesting option for the completion of the Slovak heavy brigade

The development of a heavy mechanised brigade is one of the key commitments Slovakia made when joining NATO. After many years, Slovakia has managed to take a major step…

 29. 06. 2023
Defence Committee discusses tanks, IFVs, drones and competences

Defence Committee discusses tanks, IFVs, drones and competences

The 29th meeting of the Defence Committee was a follow-up to the previous extraordinary meeting, which was attended only by opposition MPs. This meeting included two adjourned…

 22. 06. 2023
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